A rare supermoon lunar eclipse will occur for the first time since 1982. The cosmic event will take place on the night of Sept. 27 when two periodic events — supermoons and lunar eclipses — will converge at the same time, making for a rare coincidence.

Luke 21:25 – “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring;

There will be an extra special show in the night sky this month when a rare supermoon lunar eclipse will occur for the first time since 1982. The cosmic event will take place on the night of Sept. 27 when two periodic events -- supermoons and lunar eclipses -- will happen at the same time, making for a rare coincidence.

A supermoon occurs when a full moon happens when it is at the closest point in its elliptical orbit around Earth, making the full moon appear up to 14% larger and brighter than usual. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes into Earth's shadow, often turning a blood red color. The partial lunar eclipse is set to begin at 9:07 p.m. ET and will be visible to most people in the Americas, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, according to EarthSky.org. The total lunar eclipse begins at 11:11 p.m. ET. You won't want to miss this event. The next supermoon lunar eclipse won't come around until 2033. Source

A magnitude 4.2 earthquake struck near Grand Coulee Dam, the largest U.S. hydropower facility, in northeastern Washington state on Tuesday, prompting an immediate inspection of the facility but leaving no visible damage, a spokeswoman said.
Operation of the Columbia River dam, which supplies electricity to 11 Western states, was not disrupted by the tremor, according to the spokeswoman, Lynne Brougher of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, the agency that runs the dam.
The U.S. Geological Survey reported the quake was centered about 25 miles (40 km) north of the dam near the town of Nespelem in heart of the sprawling Coleville Indian Reservation, an area ravaged by a major wildfire in recent days.
Weak to light shaking was felt over a wide region, but there were no immediate reports of damage of injuries. Earthquakes of that magnitude are not uncommon in seismically active Washington state, but Tuesday's 4.2 tremor was the first to strike this close to the dam "in quite a while," Brougher said. "Oh, it got our attention. Everybody felt it," she said, adding that the trembling went on for roughly 30 seconds. She said it would take several hours for dam officials to complete their inspection of the mammoth facility. Grand Coulee stands 5-1/2 stories tall, is 500 feet (152 meters) thick at its base, and stretches nearly a mile (1.6 km)across the Columbia River to form Lake Roosevelt, which provides drinking water and irrigation supplies for communities and farms in the region. The dam includes three major hydroelectric power-generating plants and a pump-generating plant that average a combined 21 billion kilowatt hours of electrical output a year. It also controls stream flow for flood management, fish migration and recreation downstream.

The original dam structure was completed in 1941, with additions made in the 1960s and '70s. Source

Is September 2015 going to be one of the most important months in modern American history? When I issued my first ever “red alert” for the last six months of 2015 back in June, I was particularly concerned with the months of September through December, and not just for economic reasons.  All of the Intel that I have received is absolutely screaming that big trouble is ahead.  So enjoy these last few days of relative peace and quiet.  I mean that sincerely.  In fact, that is exactly what I have been doing – over the past week I have not posted many articles because I was spending time with family, friends and preparing for the national call to prayer on September 18th and 19th.   But now as we enter the chaotic month of September 2015 I have a feeling that there is going to be plenty for me to write about.
At this time last month, I declared that we were entering “the pivotal month of August 2015“, and that is exactly what it turned out to be.  August was the worst month overall for stocks in three years, and it was the worst month of August for U.S. financial markets in 17 years.
Throughout history, there have only been 11 times when the S&P 500 has declined by more than five percent during the month of August.  When that has happened, the stock market has almost always fallen in September as well
September is the only month in which the S&P 500 fell more frequently than it rose. What’s more, in the 11 times that the S&P 500 fell by more than 5 percent in August, it declined in 80 percent of the subsequent Septembers, and fell an average of nearly 4 percent.
Last week, there was a rally after the initial crash.  I warned that this would happen in advance, and we have seen a similar pattern play out during almost every market collapse throughout history.  The following comes from John Hussman
As I noted early this year (see A Better Lesson than “This Time Is Different”), market crashes “have tended to unfold after the market has already lost 10-14% and the recovery from that low fails.” Prior pre-crash bounces have generally been in the 6-7% range, which is what we observed last week, so I certainly don’t see that bounce as having removed any of our concerns. We remain extremely alert to the prospect for much more extended market losses.
So how far could stocks eventually fall? Hussmann is projecting that we could ultimately see the market decline by more than 50 percent
We fully expect a 40-55% market loss over the completion of the present market cycle. Such a loss would only bring valuations to levels that have been historically run-of-the-mill.
One thing that could accelerate stock market losses this time around is the fact that people have been borrowing lots and lots of money to buy stocks.  That works when the stock market just keeps going up, but once the market turns the margin calls can lead to panic selling on a massive scale.  The following comes from a recent piece by Wolf Richter in which he describes some of the chaos that we have already been witnessing…
Energy stocks and bonds crashed, even those of some large companies like Chesapeake. Some have reached zero. All kinds of other stocks and bonds have gotten eviscerated over the past few months, even tech darlings like Twitter or biotech giant Biogen. Portfolios with a focus on the wrong momentum stocks took a very serious hit. And margin calls went out. The Journal: Some lenders, including Bank of America Corp., are issuing margin calls to clients after the global market drubbing of the past week, forcing investors to choose between either putting up more money or selling some of the securities underlying the loans. Other banks too sent out margin calls, including U.S. Trust, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo, according to the Journal. With margin calls mucking up the scenario, spooked investors are trying to lower their leverage before they’re forced to, and the boom in securities-based lending appears to be over. And the wealth units of the banks that gorged on these loans are likely to see their profits dented. If that continues, a much crummier thing happens: margin balances reverse. And the last two times they did after a majestic record-breaking spike, the stock market crashed.

For some more technical reasons why another wave to the downside is coming, see an excellent article entitled “RED ALERT for 2nd CRASH DOWNWAVE…” by Clive P. Maund that you can find right here. Full Report

The box office underwent a religious conversion this weekend as Christian crowds flocked to War Room, lifting the low-budget salute to prayer above the Zac Efron drama We Are Your Friends and the Owen Wilson thriller No Escape.

Filmed for a mere $3 million and distributed by Sony's Affirm division, War Room more than tripled its production budget in a single weekend, picking up $11 million from 1,135 locations. That also easily topped projections that had it debuting in the $4 million to $5 million range, although in retrospect those estimates were overly conservative given that advance ticket sales were unusually strong.

 "These are the kind of outlier events that happen and wake everyone up to the fact that faith-based audiences are passionate and looking for content," said Paul Dergarabedian, senior media analyst at Rentrak.

The film is the latest faith-based hit from director Alex Kendrick and his brother, writing and producing partner Stephen Kendrick, the pair behind Fireproof and Courageous. It marks the biggest debut of their careers.

"There is so much love for this film," said Rory Bruer, Sony's distribution chief. "It starts with the Kendricks. They're visionaries in this genre."

Despite the success of the "War Room," "Straight Outta Compton" topped charts for a third consecutive weekend, becoming the first film to manage that feat since "Jurassic World." The rap biopic about the early days of N.W.A. pulled in an impressive $13.2 million, pushing its domestic total to $134.1 million. It is now the highest-grossing musical biopic, trumping the Johnny Cash drama "Walk the Line" and its $119.5 million domestic haul.
War Room reaffirms the potency of faith-based crowds, ranking along previous hits such as God's Not Dead and Heaven is for Real, but aside from its success, there was very little to celebrate.

The month of August sputtered to a close as the trio of new releases failed to inject much life into ticket sales. The overall box office was down more than 20 percent from the year-ago period when Guardians of the Galaxy was still drawing big crowds. That comparison is problematic, however, given that Labor Day fell during that period and the holiday has been pushed back a week this year.

No Escape, a thriller about an American family ensnared in a violent political coup in a nameless Asian country, finished in fourth place with $8.2 million from 3,355 locations. It has earned $10.2 million since debuting on Wednesday. The Weinstein Company paid just under $5 million for rights to the film, which was criticized in by some critics for being retrograde in its depiction of a developing country's culture and politics. Full Report

The “blood moon phenomenon” has been the talk of the Christian world in 2014 and 2015, as four lunar eclipse tetrads all occurring on biblical holy days occur within 18 months, the last of which happens Sept. 28 on the Feast of Tabernacles. But now a scholarly Orthodox rabbi from Brooklyn affirms this series of blood moons is serious spiritual business, because each one brings the world closer to the advent of the messiah. “Each one of these is a messianic advancement,” says Rabbi Mendel Kessin. “There are incredible events that predate the messiah.”

Kessin says that normal lunar eclipses, that give the appearance of the moon turning blood red, signal bad news for Israel and the Jewish people. However, he says, those that occur on biblical holy days – such as Passover and Sukkot or Tabernacles – represent good news for them.

 Kessin also points out that the next blood moons will occur just two weeks after the end of the Shemitah year – or Sabbath year when debts are released and the land rests, according to the Bible. Kessin says rabbinic teachings suggest the messiah will come in the year following the Shemitah year.

Rabbi Mendel Kessin If you think Kessin sounds like some Hebraic roots Christian teachers, like Pastor Mark Biltz, who discovered the blood moon phenomenon in 2008 and authored the bestselling book, “Blood Moons,” and wrote a documentary movie of the same name, and messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, the New York Times bestselling author of “The Harbinger” and “The Mystery of the Shemitah,” you’re not alone.
The Sabbath-observing Biltz highlighted Kessin’s teachings from his Tacoma, Washington, pulpit Saturday. Biltz has linked historical blood moons tetrads with historical events such as the expulsion of the Jews from Spain beginning in 1492, the founding of the modern state of Israel in 1948 and Israel’s capture of Jerusalem in the Six-Day War in 1967.
Kessin, who holds has a Ph.D. in psychology from Fordham University and is a noted lecturer on Jewish philosophy in the U.S., Canada, South Africa and Israel, also sees significance in the recent U.S. deal with Iran over nuclear weapons.
 There is an 800-year-old rabbinic commentary known as Yalkut Shimoni, which he translates: “Paras (Persia-Iran) will be the dread of humanity. The world’s leaders will be frustrated in their futile efforts to save what they can, but to no avail. The people of Israel will also be petrified by the impending danger. And HaShem (God) will say to us, ‘Why are you afraid? All of this I have done in order to bring you the awaited redemption. And this redemption will not be like the redemption from Egypt, which was followed by suffering. This redemption will be absolute, followed with peace.’”

A Texas man gave his boyfriend a proposal to remember when he got down on one knee in front of the entire congregation at their local Methodist Church – receiving a standing ovation in the process. Trevor Harper, 36, and Davis Covin, 30, who live in Austin, have been dating since 2006 and have been proud and active members of the First United Methodist Church of Austin for the past two years. Mr Harper said the support they have received has been a huge blessing to their relationship, especially as a gay couple in Texas. 'That church has been, for us, really the first time we have really been able to live out loud as a couple,' he told BuzzFeed News.
So when Mr Harper decided he wanted to propose, he knew he wanted to do it in front of their church family. 
He explained on YouTube that he and his boyfriend had been invited to share their faith story in front of their congregation, and he knew that would be the perfect time to pop the question.
Mr Harper admitted, however, that Mr Covin doesn’t really like attention, so he was a little overwhelmed at the public nature of the proposal - luckily, he accepted.
'I knew going into this that I was pushing it,' Mr Harper said with a laugh. Their church immediately got to their feet and gave them a standing ovation.

Mr Harper said that he began planning the proposal a few months ago with the help of his pastor, Reverend John Wright. 
He said they thought it was an especially good idea because although Mr Harper and Mr Covin would love to get married in their church, they aren’t allowed. 
The United Methodist Church forbids same-sex ceremonies from being conducted in Methodist churches or by Methodist ministers.
Mr Harper said that Rev Wright thought the proposal would be a beautiful way to honor their relationship if they can’t get married at the church.

'He agreed that was a great way to let us have that moment in a place that we love,' he said.
Now, Mr Harper is sharing his proposal and story with the hopes that other people may realize that not all churches or religions will shun you because of who you love.
'Your lifestyle, your sexuality, your choices, who you love — they don’t define your right to search out the faith that makes you feel whole,' he said.
He added: 'You can’t let your sexuality define your right to walk a spiritual walk.'
The couple is also hoping that by the time they plan to get married in 2016, they will be allowed to marry in their church. 'We would love to walk down that aisle,' Mr Harper said.

On Tuesday evening, we asked what would happen if emerging markets joined China in dumping US Treasurys. For months we’ve documented the PBoC’s liquidation of its vast stack of US paper. Back in July for instance, we noted that China had dumped a record $143 billion in US Treasurys in three months via Belgium, leaving Goldman speechless for once. 

We followed all of this up this week by noting that thanks to the new FX regime (which, in theory anyway, should have required less intervention), China has likely sold somewhere on the order of $100 billion in US Treasurys in the past two weeks alone in open FX ops to steady the yuan. Put simply, as part of China's devaluation and subsequent attempts to contain said devaluation, China has been purging an epic amount of Treasurys. 
But even as the cat was out of the bag for Zero Hedge readers and even as, to mix colorful escape metaphors, the genie has been out of the bottle since mid-August for China which, thanks to a steadfast refusal to just float the yuan and be done with it, will have to continue selling USTs by the hundreds of billions, the world at large was slow to wake up to what China’s FX interventions actually implied until Wednesday when two things happened: i) Bloomberg, citing fixed income desks in New York, noted "substantial selling pressure" in long-term USTs emanating from somebody in the "Far East", and ii) Bill Gross asked, in a tweet, if China was selling Treasurys.
Sure enough, on Thursday we got confirmation of what we’ve been detailing exhaustively for months. Here’s Bloomberg:

China has cut its holdings of U.S. Treasuries this month to raise dollars needed to support the yuan in the wake of a shock devaluation two weeks ago, according to people familiar with the matter.

Channels for such transactions include China selling directly, as well as through agents in Belgium and Switzerland, said one of the people, who declined to be identified as the information isn’t public. China has communicated with U.S. authorities about the sales,said another person. They didn’t reveal the size of the disposals.

The latest available Treasury data and estimates by strategists suggest that China controls $1.48 trillion of U.S. government debt, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. That includes about $200 billion held through Belgium, which Nomura Holdings Inc. says is home to Chinese custodial accounts.

The PBOC has sold at least $106 billion of reserve assets in the last two weeks, including Treasuries, according to an estimate from Societe Generale SA. The figure was based on the bank’s calculation of how much liquidity will be added to China’s financial system through Tuesday’s reduction of interest rates and lenders’ reserve-requirement ratios. The assumption is that the central bank aims to replenish the funds it drained when it bought yuan to stabilize the currency.

We Live In Increasingly Scary Times, But We Need Not Be Fearful Of Anything Or Anyone.

“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJV)
In just a few days it will be September, a month where over a dozen things potentially related to Bible prophecy will take place. Currently, the stock market in on a wild, roller coaster ride and preppers are kicking into overdrive. ISIS grows ever more evil, and Obama is about to hand Iran all the ingredients needed to successfully build nuclear missiles. To say that we are living in wild times is an understatement to say the least. These are the end times, leaping off the pages of Scripture.
“After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.” Revelation 4:1 (KJV)

Nearly every day people ask me if I think it’s a good idea to stockpile food and water, or to take money out of the bank, or to move to a “safe location” (wherever that may be). People are afraid, and that fear increases every day both in strength and intensity. They want answers, they want solutions, they want to know that they will be safe. So what do I tell them? I tell them this.
We should be aware of our surroundings and the events taking place in our world. NTEB reports on stories related to the end times 3-5 times per day every day since 2009. Sometimes our stories are hard to read due to the intense nature of what we write about. But the overarching theme of everything we do here is to point people to Jesus Christ. He is our hiding place, our hope, our redeemer, our rescuer, our Saviour, and our friend. Nearly every one of the apostles died at the executioner’s hand, they endured hard persecution for their faith in the Lord. They had no easy ride just because they knew Him face to face, and neither do we.
“For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:” 1 Peter 2:21 (KJV)

Ancient Babylon has been in ruins for centuries, but the term ‘Babylon” may be a code word for something other than the literal ancient city, prophecy experts say.

There’s a passage of holy writ that has baffled Bible teachers for centuries, confounding and teasing them, to the point where most modern preachers pass right by it like a trucker skirting a weigh station.
Who is “Mystery Babylon,” that “great whore” spoken of in Revelation 17-18 that commits “fornication” with world rulers, lives in extreme luxury and gets “drunk with the blood of the saints” before finally meeting her fiery destruction?
Who is this mysterious woman?
Popular theories say it’s the Roman Catholic Church. Others point to New York City, seat of the United Nations, Wall Street and all manner of human greed and fleshly lusts. Some say it’s apostate Christianity in general, not just the Catholic Church, or America as a whole, not just New York.
Still others point to Mecca and Saudi Arabia’s royal family, which lives in opulence and owns everything from diamond-studded cars, a harem of sex slaves and more than a few Washington politicians.
Whatever it is, this mysterious Babylonian spirit reigns supreme during the very last days, and if the amount of space devoted to it in the Bible is any indication of its importance, then it might behoove the faithful to dig deep into the bowels of Revelation 17-19, Isaiah 13-14 and Jeremiah 50 in search of clues.
Solving this mystery could hold the key to understanding the spiritual battle raging right now in the earth, say the authors of a new book, “The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End Times Mystery.

To understand what is happening now regarding the “Babylonian spirit” you have to go back to the beginning, says Paul McGuire, co-author of the book with Troy Anderson, who is executive editor of Charisma magazine.
There has always been a human element seeking to build a false utopia devoid of God, he said. The essential question is, who are they and what is motivating them?
The Garden of Eden was a perfect world in terms of economic prosperity, health and well-being. But a powerful fallen angel named Lucifer became the temporary ‘god of this world’ after the fall of mankind,” McGuire explains.
And here’s where it starts to get interesting. The book’s authors take the reader on a historical journey in an effort to connect the unseen dots. Many of them are found hiding in plain view.
“Since that time, Lucifer has been leading a revolution against God along with one-third of the angels. The world system, or the Babylonian system, is Luciferian in nature,” McGuire told WND.
“That is why, ever since ancient Babylon, a secret priesthood of Luciferian elites has conducted secret rituals and passed on secret Luciferian knowledge through what is known as ‘Mystery, Babylon.’”
Plato spoke of it in his “Republic,” where he said the ideal society would be ruled by a very small number of “philosopher kings.” Sir Francis Bacon described a secret ruling elite in his novel “New Atlantis.” Similar principles were found in the French Revolution, the various communist revolutions, and in Hitler’s national socialist revolution.
America, the landing ground of Illuminati?
And America has not been exempt, according to the authors. It has been a pivotal playground for these elites since the time of its founding.
Evidence of their secret occult influence can be seen in the symbols incorporated on America’s money. The backside of a dollar bill shows an unfinished pyramid with an all-seeing eye in the capstone. Underneath the pyramid are the words: “Novus Ordo Seclorum,” Latin for “New Order of the Ages.” On the right side is a mysterious bird, which the book’s authors say looks a lot like the Phoenix, a bird that was to rise from the ashes of a destroyed civilization and usher in a new world order in the mythical story of Atlantis.
But unlike Soviet Russia or Jacobin France, America has always been a battleground of conflicting ideas in which biblical Christianity has served as arch rival to Illuminati elites. Biblical principles of natural law and unalienable rights provided by the “Creator” were embedded in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. That battle continues to this day.
“As we document in our book, this secret knowledge has been passed on through secret societies throughout the ages. The names of these societies have been changed many times over the centuries,” McGuire said. “For example, Sir Francis Bacon, a member of Britain’s Parliament, was head of the Rosicrucian Order, which is believed to have later morphed into the Bavarian Illuminati, a fashionable 18th century secret society that attracted some of Bavaria’s leading intellectuals.”
Today, these powerful secret societies include Yale University’s Skull and Bones, whose members include both Bush presidents and current Secretary of State John Kerry; Bohemian Grove, which conducts mock human sacrifices at its annual retreat in rural California; the Bilderbergs; Council on Foreign Relations, Club of Rome and Trilateral Commission.
“They are the scientific elite or the technocratic elite that the philosopher Plato referred to as the 10 god-kings,” McGuire said.
Aldous Huxley, the brother of UNESCO founder and eugenicist Julian Huxley, wrote about the coming technocracy in his classic work “A Brave New World.”
Aldous Huxley wrote that the term “technocratic elite” comes from the word “techne” and techne comes from the word “wicca,” which implies the power or magic to reconfigure reality through supernatural power.
“The Babylon Code” postulates that the secret knowledge originated with Nimrod, who built the Tower of Babel in ancient Babylon, which provoked God to scatter the people and scramble their languages. It was passed to ancient Egypt, then got handed down to the Greeks and Romans before landing in modern Europe and America.
‘Guarding their secret knowledge’
As a means of control, McGuire says, the elites are careful to keep this knowledge highly compartmentalized, shielding the bigger picture so that even the lower-level elites do not understand where things are heading.
He includes presidents, prime ministers, scientists and educators among the “lower levels of the elite.” These lower elites work to create a completely secular society, pushing an atheistic view of the world in schools, universities and business. But this “scientific materialism” is a fraudulent cover meant to keep the wider population in the dark about spiritual realities, probably because they know that a truly spiritual, Christian population will be more difficult to deceive and lead into spiritual darkness and, ultimately, into political enslavement.
McGuire said the only way to fight this evil is with supernatural power. It cannot be defeated in the political arena alone.
“Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto preached the same message as the Illuminati Manifesto,” he said: Destroy the family, cause divisions, and destroy religion, especially Christianity. After all is destroyed, rebuild according to the utopian vision of total control by the elites.
Similar principles are taught in Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals,” which was dedicated to the “very first rebel …Lucifer.”
“So there’s like a secret priesthood of people who have access to this supernatural power but the way they maintain control is they create a firewall between them and the so-called masses and they hide their power and the only thing they tell the masses is there is no God and it’s all just about the material world, and the only thing that’s real is that which you can see,” McGuire said.
“God has no meaning, we’re all just evolved animals,” he continued. “But the Illuminati created communism and they know there are supernatural forces and they use things like communism or fascism to deceive the masses. That’s the way they keep their control, but meanwhile they are accessing and deploying supernatural power all along. You go back to the intellectuals like Bertrand Russell, Huxley and H.G. Wells, and you discover they were not the secular humanists they pretended to be. They were secretly steeped in the occult.”
’1.5 billion bow five times a day toward Mecca’
Others, such as end-times Bible prophecy teacher Joel Richardson, hold to a very different view of Revelation 17-18 and the identity of Mystery Babylon.
Richardson, author of “The Islamic Antichrist” and “Mideast Beast,” identifies this “great harlot” riding the beast as the present day kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
He traces his view back to Daniel 7 and the four beast empires. He said the Christian use of the word “Babylon” has traditionally been used as a metaphor to describe whatever evil empire happened to be reigning on the earth at the time.
“This motif of a beast as an empire is picked up in Revelation 17 and expanded upon,” Richardson said. “She is seen sitting on and riding the beast. The beast represents the final world empire that is the satanic empire that will be the vehicle of the Antichrist and his armies. The beast is the main competitor or the enemy of the people of God in the earth. So the woman and the beast, they are rider and steed, they go together, the great harlot and the beast. They are a team.”
Richardson breaks down Mystery Babylon, the great whore, by the following characteristics.
  • She lives in a desert and sits on many waters, which is peoples or groups of people.
  • She’s sitting on a scarlet beast clothed in purple, indicating royalty.
  • She is portrayed as both a queen and a prostitute.
  • She is both a powerful religious and economic force in the earth.
  • She commits spiritual fornication with false gods.
  • She has influence with many kings of the earth.
  • The kings have committed fornication with her, to engage in idolatry with her.
  • She is a heavy consumer, and through her purchasing makes the merchants of the earth rich.
  • She spreads her false religious convictions throughout the world.
  • She is responsible for the shed blood of the people of God, Israel and its spiritual offspring, the followers of Jesus.
  • She lives in extreme luxury and the kings who committed fornication with her also lived luxuriously with her.
  • Not only the kings but the peoples of the earth committed fornication with her.
  • The beast nations will hate her. These are the nations that make up the final union of the beast empire – Iran-Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Sudan, Libya. They will “devour her and burn her flesh.”
  • She represents the greatest false religion that has ever existed.
  • She is the biggest spiritual whore on the earth, and all nations have “drunk the wine” of her false religion, and will feel the wrath of God.
  • She is a rabid consumer, causing the merchants to weep over her destruction.
  • She is portrayed as a coastal city. The shipmasters and anyone who trades on the sea “stood at a distance” and mourned her destruction.

Richardson believes the key verse to identifying this great harlot is found in 1 Peter 5:13. Peter was in Rome at the time and referred to the church “who is in Babylon.”
“Babylon” was a code word in the early church for Rome, the capital city of the reigning beast empire.
“Rome was the antichrist system, the pagan empire that’s at enmity with the Church,” Richardson said. “In succession these are Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome.”
Then there will be a seventh and final beast system, which Richardson believes was the Islamic Ottoman Empire. It will be revived and make a curtain call in the last days before Christ returns.
In the first century the Roman Empire was Satan’s physical instrument to come against God’s people, he said.
It was the spiritual capital of the reigning antichrist empire. It was the Babylon of the early church.
So Richardson’s theory is that Mecca can be interpreted as today’s spiritual Babylon, the capital of world idolatry and the economic stronghold of Satan’s work in the earth.
Richardson says the Islamic empire meets all of the criteria of the world’s final beast system.
“It is the greatest stronghold of Satan in the earth,” he said.
Only Muslims are allowed into the city and millions make annual pilgrimages to touch the Kaaba, a black stone that Muslims believe has the power to forgive sin.
“We have 1.5 billion people who five times every day bow down and pray to a false god and they are, make no mistake, worshiping Satan,” he says.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, he says, is the fulfillment of this prophecy in Revelation 17-18 because it fulfills every biblical criteria of the “whore.”
Richardson said people talk about the “Israeli lobby” in Washington but the “Saudi lobby” dwarfs it by comparison. The Saudi royal family has had almost every important politician in Washington in its pocket going back decades. The family lives in extravagant luxury to the point of overkill, like the diamond-studded Mercedes owned by Prince al-Walid bin Talal and the legendary stories of multiple gigantic palaces with gold toilets and female harems at their beck and call.
“The stories of Saudi wealth are just ridiculous. The now deceased King Fahd owned dozens of palaces each more grandeur than the past. Architects estimated one was worth several billion, and that was in the 1980s. Fahd also had a 100-room house in Marbella Spain, one in Paris, one in Geneva, 24 Rolls Royces with gold hood ornaments,” Richardson said. “Prince Talal donated $50 million to CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), which is the main jihadist organization in the U.S. — not military but intellectual jihad. It’s chief spokesman, Ibrahim Hooper, said he desired to see the U.S. Constitution replaced by shariah law.”

The USGS reports that a 3.5 magnitude earthquake hit 16 miles northwest of Covington, TN at 8:26 a.m. People near Memphis, Tenn. felt an natural disaster Tuesday morning, according to WREG, a CBS affiliate. The quake was shallow.

WREG-TV reports no damage in the area.

The New Madrid fault line is about twenty times larger than California’s famed San Andreas fault. The biggest earthquake in U.S. history happened in the New Madrid seismic zone in 1812.  The fault line has been more active over the last few years.
An natural disaster centered in eastern Arkansas rattled residents in multiple states in late October, making the quake the largest in the NMSZ in several years. Small earthquakes happen from time to time along the area. “Prehistoric earthquakes similar in size to those of 1811-1812 occurred in the middle 1400’s and around 900 A.D”. Officials told news “It is one of the most active natural disaster areas in the Southeast”.
University of Memphis natural disaster Center’s Gary Patterson also said he did not think an quake of this magnitude would likely cause much damage.

Source: fox2now.com & dispatchtimes.com

North Korea has deployed amphibious landing crafts carrying special forces to the frontline as the country keeps up its tight combat readiness despite on-going inter-Korean talks to defuse military tension, military sources said Monday.
About 10 North Korean air-cushioned landing crafts have left their home base in Cholsan, North Pyongan Province, and come forward to a naval base, located about 60 kilometers north of the Northern Limit Line, the de facto inter-Korean border in the Yellow Sea, the sources said.
“Since North Korea declared a semi-war state, its invasion vehicles and forces have been actively moving,” one of the sources said.
More than 50 North Korean submarines are also apparently away from their bases for operations, a sign that the North is gearing up for combat while participating in high-level talks aimed at easing tension, an official here said.
“Seventy percent of North Korea’s submarines left their bases, and their locations are not confirmed,” the South Korean military official told reporters.
The North is known to have around 70 submarines.
The unpredictable communist nation has also doubled the number of its artillery troops on the border, with the command to be combat ready, according to the official.
Meanwhile, high-level talks between South and North Korea stretched into a third day Monday amid no clear signs of progress in defusing heightened tensions on the divided peninsula.
“Negotiations are under way” between South Korea’s National Security Adviser Kim Kwan-jin and Hwang Pyong-so, the North Korean military’s top political officer, presidential spokesman Min Kyung-wook told reporters.
Hong Yong-pyo, Seoul’s point man on Pyongyang, and his North Korean counterpart, Kim Yang-gon, joined the talks at the border village of Panmunjom that separates the two Koreas.
Still, Min declined to give any further details, saying media reports could have a negative effect on the negotiations.
A key sticking point appears to be South Korea’s propaganda broadcasts along the heavily fortified border.
South Korea resumed the psychological warfare tactic earlier this month for the first time in 11 years in retaliation against North Korea for a recent landmine attack that maimed two South Korean soldiers.
South Korea accused the North of planting the mines inside the demilitarized zone that separates the two Koreas, a charge denied by North Korea.
On Thursday, North Korea gave a 48-hour ultimatum to South Korea to end propaganda broadcasts and dismantle all loudspeakers, saying it otherwise will launch “strong military action.”
North Korea also warned Friday that it is prepared to engage in “all-out war.” The Pyongyang-set deadline for defusing the crisis passed without a military clash.
North Korea views the broadcastings critical of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un as an insult to its dignity. The isolated country is also concerned that an influx of outside information could pose a threat to Kim.
Still, South Korea has vowed to keep blaring anti-Pyongyang messages through loudspeakers along the border.
Tensions between the Koreas have risen dramatically since Thursday’s exchange of artillery fire.
The North fired one artillery shell across the border Thursday afternoon before firing several more rounds later in apparent anger over South Korea’s resumption of the propaganda broadcasts. South Korea fired back dozens of shells.
The North later claimed that it never started Thursday’s exchange of fire with the South and accused Seoul of fabricating the allegations that the communist nation fired first.

North Korea has doubled its artillery power and the majority of its submarines seem to be away from their bases, a South Korean military official said, as cited by the Yonhap news agency. The announcement comes amid ongoing talks between the two sides over the border crisis. According to the official, more than 50 North Korean submarines are out for operations. "Seventy percent of North Korea's submarines left their bases, and their locations are not confirmed," a South Korean military official said, adding that Pyongyang has about 70 submarines in total.

"It's a very serious situation," the official added.

In the meantime, the Yonhap news agency reported that six South Korean fighter jets have returned home ahead of schedule from the Red Flag Alaska military drills. The F-16s were initially planned to fly back later this week. Tensions have recently escalated on the Korean peninsula after both sides exchanged fire on Thursday. Also on Thursday there were reports that South Korea had ordered the evacuation of some 15,000 civilians from the border area to the west of the Korean Peninsula, reportedly shelled by the North’s military.
On Saturday, Pyongyang delivered an ultimatum to Seoul demanding it stop broadcasting propaganda via loudspeakers across the borders. It set a deadline of 17:00 local time (08:00 GMT) on Saturday for this to happen. The North threatened ‘imminent’ military action if Seoul didn’t meet the demands.
However, South Korean Vice Defense Minister Baek Seung-joo told parliament that the broadcasts would continue, adding the North was likely to fire at areas in the Demilitarized Zone where transmitters are stationed.

Friday’s American stock market provided further evidence of instability in the nation’s economy, and even as financiers fear a possible fiscal disaster in September, there has been little coverage among U.S. media.
But the state-run media of Russia is warning of what it calls America’s “economic apocalypse.”
The Russian news service Sputnik, an agency launched by Russia’s state-owned Rossiya Segodnya in 2014 to “target global audiences with its non-mainstream take on world events,” predicts doom for the American economy next month.
It continues: “Most of the experts agree that all the optimistic data like record earnings on Wall Street and a surging dollar is just disguising fundamental cracks, and the collapse of historic proportions will happen within few months, starting in the U.S.
“No wonder such forecasts, and there are dozens, from professional economists leave U.S. and the world dizzy and shivering in fear and helplessness, just what one would probably feel if the actual apocalypse was coming.”
September 2015 has become the focal point of warnings and speculation because of a strange confluence of events.
These include:
  • The seven-year, biblical Shemitah cycle ends Sept. 13
  • The European Organization for Nuclear Research begins a controversial experiment
  • Pope Francis arrives at the White House on Sept. 23 and will make an unprecedented address to a joint session of Congress the next day
  • The fourth and last “blood moon” in the tetrad occurs on Sept. 28, on the biblical Feast of Tabernacles

With temporal, spiritual and economic events lining up for next month, some pastors are urging Christians to be prepared, warning they cannot rely on most American media outlets to report the truth.
Carl Gallups, a pastor, former law-enforcement officer and author of the upcoming book “Be Thou Prepared,” observes: “With the onslaught of predicted ominous events scheduled to occur in or around September of this year, as well as the actual scheduled events possessing possible prophetic overtones, a lot of people certainly are tuned in to the end of this year with a laser focus. Sadly, it sometimes seems the Russian media is more reliable and eclectic in its reporting than is the American media. Given the fact that the United States media often seems loathe to report on anything biblical or Christian in nature, unless it is excoriating or marginalizing them, this should not surprise us.”

Gallups says the Russian media’s focus on September may reflect a political and even religious agenda. After all, he notes, “Russia and Putin have made a big deal lately about the infusion of ‘Christian influence’ in Putin’s ‘new’ Russian culture.
“As to the reliability of Russia’s speculation that something catastrophic is going to happen in America this fall, and particularly this September, I suppose their conjectures are [as] good as any. I doubt that they have any special prophetic insight into these matters. Unless they have some sort of covert plans to attempt to be a part of a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy.’ I certainly would not put that past them at all.”
Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries, the discoverer of the “blood moons” phenomenon and the author of “Blood Moons: Decoding the Imminent Heavenly Signs,” lambastes the American press for ignoring what he believes are critically important developments.
“In reading these articles, I find the common denominator to all of them is that the American media is clueless,” he told WND.